Thursday, April 21, 2011

Angry Birds Epidemic

Of course you all have heard of the app that is becoming a global phenomenon. From reading my title, you've probably gathered (unless you've suffered a recent blow to the head...a concussion) that I am talking about Angry Birds!

For $0.99 (price from the App Store, Property of Apple Inc.), you could own one of the most popular, MOST ADDICTIVE, and most insane combination of physics, trigonometry, and calculus since the Spirograph!

I myself have given into society and purchased the "Lite" version of the app for my father's IPhone. After playing this app for approximately 5 minutes, I began to shout vulgarities and obscenities about how you must use a limited number of birds to crash into boards, metal beams, or ice blocks to "destroy" the pigs. The greatest part is that this game is so addicting that you realize there is more than one version of this game! The other versions include the seasons version and Angry Birds Rio. There is even an upgrade for the main game know as "The Mighty Eagle." Together all these games will give you a lovely $4 price tag on your credit card or your ITunes money you may be using to purchase these apps.

Now, to explain the "birds" and there "abilities".

From this lovely image ( you cant exactly tell what each does but let me just explain in a simpler way!
Black Bird: Bomb!!! (Nuke those sorry lumps of rotten bacon!!)
White Bird: Egg launcher/launches its body?? (After dropping its egg, it looks life a used tissue in the wind)
Yellow Bird: Speeds up (Superman through that wall)
Red Bird: Nothing special (Sorry, it just flies into stuff)
Big Red Bird: Nothing special, but destroys ALOT more! (Its like an obese wrecking ball!)
Blue Bird: Splits into three, much smaller blue birds. (why throw one ping pong ball at them when you could throw three)
Green Bird: Opens mouth and becomes a boomerang in mid flight (CRAPPIEST BIRD EVER!!!! The tribe skipped redemption island and sent it to the "please make extinct" list.

 Something random to know about me is I'm a crafty person who likes to make the occasional craft. I make what are called "cubees". Your favorite characters from anything can be made into these blocky things that you make from cardstock and super glue. My point here is that one day, I made these little darlings!

Aren't they just the weirdest things you ever seen! Yet you still could say awwww!

So If you have any electronic device and you have the availability to do so, buy this game! Its well worth the money in terms of entertainment and also it can possibly help your "math" skills slightly ( Disclaimer: Don't take my word for that one). So make some lucky kid some money and BUY THIS APP!!!!!

Now enjoy these last two lovely images! One from the Angry Birds Facebook Fan Page, and the other a color page I found on Google Images!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Little Miss Muffet (playwrite version); 2 versions

1st version
Narrator: Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet...
Miss Muffet: Shut cho mouth!
Narrator: Eating her curds and whey...
Miss Muffet: I like fiber.
Narrator: Along came a spider and sat down beside her... she flipped crap, screamed and ran away

2nd version
Narrator: Little Miss Muffet, sat on her...
Narrator: Eating her oats and hay...
Miss Muffet: I ate WHAAA?!
Narrator: Along came a spider and sat down beside her...
Miss Muffet: NO ME GUSTA!!!! *SPLAT*
Narrator: She smacked that spider to death.
Miss Muffet: Get some!!