Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Alarm Clocks

Ok, so I am possibly one of the few kids who doesnt like to go to sleep. but when I do, I never want to wake up! Thats simply just cause sleep feels so much better when youre no longer in control of the events your dreams put you through, but thats a post for another time!

Well as some of you know, a storm rolled through this morning. as for those whom can sleep through a storm without even hearing it (not me) you missed some crazy wild stuff. Well this storm managed to knock the power out at my house from about 4 or 5 am to bout 6:45.

Well then as I decided to fall back asleep for my remaining time before my alarm goes off, I get like 5 text messages. From ignoring them I manage to fall back into deep deep slumber.

Well after I while I managed to kick myself awake and then noticed I had 10 minutes to get ready and leave so I wouldnt be late for classes. (It usually takes me 45 just cuz I like to take my sweet time) [This is written out less frantic than it actually was!] The real situation looked similar to this...

well long story short, through the slight rain while I was driving (speeding) thankfully the cops were everywhere I was not today! (Dont place bets on that the next time this happens!) So I managed to make it to class literally right after the teacher had called roll and everything! So let this be a lesson, always wake up when you hear your phone go off, cuz otherwise you may just have to miss a class..

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