Hats off to the person who decided to make this class as blunt and scary as possible. You are officially a jerk in my book!
Well anywhoo..so once again today we did notes over a chapter that is randomly picked from the book! Todays topic: Nervous System.
Well so about an hour and a half of this went by for notes, not that bad you would think. Well then thats when things droned on and on and on untill something that couldnt have been helped happened.
So thankfully we got done with the notes before my laptop decided to die on me! But then after the notes we had a quiz! And the quiz was, go figure, over the notes!!!! Why of all times should my laptop die when we're having a quiz over the notes! thats just illogical entirely!!!
So I had my friend next to me help by sharing her notes (The teacher allowed this), and managed to turn in my test so I could get out of the lecture hall.
As I was returning to where my car is parked I stopped and looked at the stairs and noticed a bunch of kids as the top of the big stairs next to Brandt Hall, they all were wearing orange headbands and staring at me, each with a balled up sock in their hands. I was staring at a group of "zombies", one of two groups involved in the campus-wide game "humans v. zombies". As I began to climb the stairs, each one clenched their sock tighter scanning for the orange armband they had obviously been hoping for me to have.
I guess this teaches you several lessons? Always charge your laptops long before your class, try and pay attention in class instead of playing solitare or minesweeper and when your campus is playing a game that may give you close encounters with other's laundry, just say anything that gets you far away and fast or just pray that the orange armband youre most likely wearing is under your coat!
This was not a typical monday, but it did offer more excitement than the ususal one would! Except this time nobody was yelling about how they hate a certain game or trying to make something combust....
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