Have you ever had a saying that you said just about every other moment you opened your mouth? leave a comment telling me your sayings! In the meantime, here is a story about a couple of mine!
The first one of mine is my favorite and I would appreciate it if people dont steal my word! I actually got it from a song but jazzed it up with my own touch. The word is: Shibadibafreakindingdong. to break that down into parts for you: shiba-diba-freakin-ding-dong. I got this word while listening to the song "Color of Water" by Family Force 5. (Recommend this song to anyone!)
As I was jammin' to the beats, the word was played across at the end of the song right before they ended it. It was at that moment I knew that I would make that word mine! On the song its used as Shibadibadingdong, I just threw in the -freakin- for emphasis.
Another word I have come across in some way, shape, or form was none other that "sweet babies". I cant actually remember how I came across the term, but either way it stuck with me and I could never stop using it for some good time!
Ive heard just about everything in terms of sayings people use all the time, so go ahead and try to surprise me! I may even try to create a cartoon based on your comments if they happen to be funny enough?
NOTE: This post may be subject to additions or changes as time goes by
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