Well if youre like me then you maxed out your high school's cirruculum in the mathematics area of study. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade and from there it progressed by years. First Geometry, then Algebra 2, next Pre-Calculus, finally senior year i took Trigonometry and Calculus. Crazy, yes! Effective, very! Will I ever need to know any of those, possibly?!
I mainly took these because I was bored and was forced to. Well this is what things were like in algebra 1 class way back in 8th grade...
Well lets just skip ahead to my senior year! Trigonometry and Calculus! Probably two of the most insane classes ive ever taken for math. Lets just say im good with math untill you start throwing random letters and shapes into the equations...
As you can see...it didnt end pretty! Lets just sum it up by saying that at least I managed to end my high school career by getting an "A" in all my math credits! How I managed to do so is my complete secret and shall take it to my grave! Bwahahaha...actually id be happy to let anyone who is strugling in math know it, you just gotta ask first!
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