Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting Day

As most Americans know, voting day has arrived. This momentous day falls upon the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November every 2 years, or at least that's whats been beaten into my head some ungodly number of times throughout my entire school-life.

Voting is a very simple task for some, but for others (like me) who don't pay a lick of attention to someone yammering on and on about how they can make your life better when in retrospect they're just as bad as the person they're trying to out vote, you tend to give politics the cold shoulder. Well, this would be my first technical election so even though I didn't know much about what was going on, I voted anyway.

**please respect my views I apologize for this beforehand, I don't give a flip about how YOU voted. Its MY vote and by my god given rights I will vote the way I feel uninfluenced by any others. Thank You**

So lets get to the funny part!...Where I voted!..

I voted in Blodgette, a super small collection of huts containing a post office, a mansion of some guy that owns 3/4 of the town, and the fire station. Blink twice and you've literally driven through. The firehouse has a side door you walk into and these ladies check your ID, hand you your ballot, and then you turn it in to an electronic ballot counter...simple enough!

Well next came every text message and status update possible from Facebook asking if I had voted as well as my friends posting how they had voted, and what they voted for and why in some cases.

Honestly, to me, I feel that how you vote is a matter of privacy. You have the right to tell anyone and everyone if that really floats your boat, but I'll keep mine to myself thank you very much sir/ma'am.

Well then later on when I got on Facebook, I'm greeted with a pop-up on my home page asking if I had voted. Of course I clicked yes, otherwise I'd be lying. (Not like that matters to the Internet anyway! No feelings to hurt there!) Instantly, this death clock-like thing pops up on my homepage keeping track of the total number of Facebook users who have also stated that they too have voted.

Well now, for those of us whom have already voted, lets just kick back and watch how things work out tonight on the evening news! I personally think no news is good news, so someone may just have to tell me how it goes. I'll most likely be doing something else better for me anyway so have fun with that.

To those of you who haven't already voted, I would highly recommend you get out and do so. Nothing makes me angrier than a person who will constantly complain about things like our president, our economy, or even laws, and yet they WONT vote! I'm sorry to stomp on some toes with this but if you don't vote, then you have NO right to complain about things. Even one vote can shift the house, so if you don't plan on voting then pray that God puts one arm around you and the other hand over your mouth till the next voting session!

...Now to completely derail this rant and seem as random as possible, here is a picture of an angry opossom going after my avatar...

Have a nice day! Not that I care if you dont, the thought still counts! XD

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