Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Parties

When the weather begins to carry a chill with it and the leaves change from a fresh green to vibrant reds, oranges, yellows, and of course brown, then fall has officially settled in. Along with this change comes a certain holiday that everybody loves about fall...HALLOWEEN; the one night a year that you can dress up as anything and have fun with it no matter how crazy it could possibly be!

Recently, I was present at a Halloween party and the range of costumes was very original considering most made their own costumes or at least added their own special touches here and there. I was a Sleestak, but after getting rather tired of explaining what that is I just decided to let them pick what I could possibly be. I was called Yoshi, a teenage mutant ninja turtle, a lizard, spawn of Barney, and Reptar. Each one was so funny that I tried to think of a way to combine all those to make it even crazier but that seems impossible to me... is kinda what the party looked like when it started off...

Things also got rather funny as well between some of us...

Well as the ice had been finally been broken, the jokes cracked, and everyone that was going to show up had arrived, we snacked some and then began to carve pumpkins! You can only imagine the craziness happening then...

After all the pumpkins had been carved, we put candles in them and set them out on the front porch for the whole campus to see! Then we watched the original Night of the Living Dead.

As time kept going and so was our fun, I noticed that it was getting rather late. I figured I would somehow regret getting home late. Pfft...yeah right! It was worth the trouble! I was with good friends and had a good time! Cant wait till next year...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Math Class

As some may know, math is a key element needed to be known by some or at least most people! During high school we are told to take a set amount of math classes in order to graduate and then when you get to college (depending on your major) you may have to take those classes again.

Well if youre like me then you maxed out your high school's cirruculum in the mathematics area of study. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade and from there it progressed by years. First Geometry, then Algebra 2, next Pre-Calculus, finally senior year i took Trigonometry and Calculus. Crazy, yes! Effective, very! Will I ever need to know any of those, possibly?!

I mainly took these because I was bored and was forced to. Well this is what things were like in algebra 1 class way back in 8th grade...

Algebra is so simple and easy that even me, a child with the attention span of a gnat could understand!
Well lets just skip ahead to my senior year! Trigonometry and Calculus! Probably two of the most insane classes ive ever taken for math. Lets just say im good with math untill you start throwing random letters and shapes into the equations...

As you can didnt end pretty! Lets just sum it up by saying that at least I managed to end my high school career by getting an "A" in all my math credits! How I managed to do so is my complete secret and shall take it to my grave! Bwahahaha...actually id be happy to let anyone who is strugling in math know it, you just gotta ask first!

Alarm Clocks

Ok, so I am possibly one of the few kids who doesnt like to go to sleep. but when I do, I never want to wake up! Thats simply just cause sleep feels so much better when youre no longer in control of the events your dreams put you through, but thats a post for another time!

Well as some of you know, a storm rolled through this morning. as for those whom can sleep through a storm without even hearing it (not me) you missed some crazy wild stuff. Well this storm managed to knock the power out at my house from about 4 or 5 am to bout 6:45.

Well then as I decided to fall back asleep for my remaining time before my alarm goes off, I get like 5 text messages. From ignoring them I manage to fall back into deep deep slumber.

Well after I while I managed to kick myself awake and then noticed I had 10 minutes to get ready and leave so I wouldnt be late for classes. (It usually takes me 45 just cuz I like to take my sweet time) [This is written out less frantic than it actually was!] The real situation looked similar to this...

well long story short, through the slight rain while I was driving (speeding) thankfully the cops were everywhere I was not today! (Dont place bets on that the next time this happens!) So I managed to make it to class literally right after the teacher had called roll and everything! So let this be a lesson, always wake up when you hear your phone go off, cuz otherwise you may just have to miss a class..


Have you ever had a saying that you said just about every other moment you opened your mouth? leave a comment telling me your sayings! In the meantime, here is a story about a couple of mine!

The first one of mine is my favorite and I would appreciate it if people dont steal my word! I actually got it from a song but jazzed it up with my own touch. The word is: Shibadibafreakindingdong. to break that down into parts for you: shiba-diba-freakin-ding-dong. I got this word while listening to the song "Color of Water" by Family Force 5. (Recommend this song to anyone!)

As I was jammin' to the beats, the word was played across at the end of the song right before they ended it. It was at that moment I knew that I would make that word mine! On the song its used as Shibadibadingdong, I just threw in the -freakin- for emphasis.

Another word I have come across in some way, shape, or form was none other that "sweet babies". I cant actually remember how I came across the term, but either way it stuck with me and I could never stop using it for some good time!

Ive heard just about everything in terms of sayings people use all the time, so go ahead and try to surprise me! I may even try to create a cartoon based on your comments if they happen to be funny enough?

NOTE: This post may be subject to additions or changes as time goes by

Monday, October 25, 2010

Anatomy Class

Hats off to the person who decided to make this class as blunt and scary as possible. You are officially a jerk in my book!

Well once again today we did notes over a chapter that is randomly picked from the book! Todays topic: Nervous System.

Well so about an hour and a half of this went by for notes, not that bad you would think. Well then thats when things droned on and on and on untill something that couldnt have been helped happened.

So thankfully we got done with the notes before my laptop decided to die on me! But then after the notes we had a quiz! And the quiz was, go figure, over the notes!!!! Why of all times should my laptop die when we're having a quiz over the notes! thats just illogical entirely!!!

So I had my friend next to me help by sharing her notes (The teacher allowed this), and managed to turn in my test so I could get out of the lecture hall.

As I was returning to where my car is parked I stopped and looked at the stairs and noticed a bunch of kids as the top of the big stairs next to Brandt Hall, they all were wearing orange headbands and staring at me, each with a balled up sock in their hands. I was staring at a group of "zombies", one of two groups involved in the campus-wide game "humans v. zombies". As I began to climb the stairs, each one clenched their sock tighter scanning for the orange armband they had obviously been hoping for me to have.

I guess this teaches you several lessons? Always charge your laptops long before your class, try and pay attention in class instead of playing solitare or minesweeper and when your campus is playing a game that may give you close encounters with other's laundry, just say anything that gets you far away and fast or just pray that the orange armband youre most likely wearing is under your coat!

This was not a typical monday, but it did offer more excitement than the ususal one would! Except this time nobody was yelling about how they hate a certain game or trying to make something combust....